The Ministry of the Interior is the main authority responsible for the area of asylum and migration in the Czech Republic. Within the Ministry, it is mainly* the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy (DAMP) that is responsible for this area.
The Department of Asylum and Migration Policy specifically focuses on the areas of international protection, foreign nationals entry and stay, coordination of foreign nationals integration, international and European cooperation in the areas of asylum and migration, Schengen cooperation, border protection and returns policy.
Migration and Asylum Policy of the Czech Republic
Migration is a complex and dynamic phenomenon which has social and economic impacts for the Czech Republic. Entry, stay and integration of foreign nationals in the territory of the Czech Republic are processes with many positive and negative consequences for the Czech society - processes which to a certain extent are dependent on an on-going, active and flexible approach by the Czech Republic.
In its activities, the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy follows the Migration Policy Strategy of the Czech Republic approved in 2015 and is based on long-term domestic and international experience. The Migration Policy Strategy of the Czech Republic clearly defines the balanced and flexible policy of the Czech Republic, including its principles, goals and tools. The Migration Policy Strategy of the Czech Republic leads to improvement of the positive aspects of migration as well as to the elimination of the negative phenomena and all possible risks connected to migration if possible.
The migration policy of the Czech Republic is enshrined in the common policies of the European Union and its implementation to the appropriate extent stems from the common legal tools of the Union.
The specific areas of migration that are most regulated by common policies of the European Union include primarily international protection, protection of the external borders of the European Union and the area of return policy (including expulsion of foreign nationals staying in this country without a valid permit).
In the areas of legal migration and integration of foreign nationals, the Member States of the European Union maintained a relatively high degree of discretion. The Czech Republic following its approach towards migration has to take into consideration not only the special needs and capacities of the government and the Czech society but also the situation within the European Union, including a share in the solutions within the bounds of their common policies.
The common Schengen Area with the absence of controls at its internal borders brings its members, Czech Republic included, a considerable advantage in the form of abolition of controls of people and goods on the internal borders. On the other hand, this concept also brings security challenges and places great demands on the cooperation between the separate members of the common Schengen Area. The aim of the Czech Republic is to maintain the Schengen Area safe, functional and stable by means of more effective and more responsible migration policy both at national and Union level.
Therefore, both the Czech Republic and the European Union as a whole should promote and effectively implement a migration policy with clear starting points and results:
receive legal migrants and make entry procedures simpler while keeping in mind preservation of the ability to compete in the global economic environment;
to ensure such a degree of integration of foreign nationals in the territory of the Czech Republic that would limit security risks and negative social phenomena and lead to a cohesive society and protection of the rights of its members;
actively implement the external dimensions of migration policies, including assistance to refugees and supporting security stability and socio-economic development of migration source and transit countries;
migrants who knowingly choose to enter illegally into the European Union or are forced to do so by external circumstances, to provide access to international protection or return to the country of origin while respecting the principle of non-refoulement.
Publications in English:
The following section contains already published articles and publications available in the language you have selected concerning the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior.
For more information concerning the activities of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy go to the English version of the website.
- Information publications for applicants for international protection
- State Integration Programme for beneficiaries of international protection
- About to finish primary school? It needn´t end there!
- Next Stop - the Czech Republic
- Welcome to the Czech Republic
- Updated map of Ministry of the Interior and the Foreign Police offices
- Information leaflet on Employee Cards
- Information provided by the Czech Medical Chamber on provision of healthcare in the Czech Republic for migrants
- Presentation for foreign students - Quick'n'Simple (lists the main residence-related obligations for students)
Links to pages in your selected language:
- Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic
- The Czech Republic Immigration Portal
- Czech language for foreigners
- Communication Cards for patients and healthcare providers
Publications in other languages:
Information for foreign nationals in Moldavian can be found through the following links: Information leaflet on Employee Cards, Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic
Information for foreign nationals in Chinese can be found on the following website
Information provided by the Czech Medical Chamber on the provision of healthcare in the Czech Republic for migrants is also available in Chinese, Dari and Pashto.
Communication Cards for patients and healthcare providers (link to the Ministry of Health website) are available also in English, Arabic, Bulgarian, German, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
* Apart from the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy, the issue of migration is addressed also by other departments of the Ministry (Department of General Administration, Department of Administrative Activities). Also, the Police of the Czech Republic deals with this issue – in particular, the Foreign Police Service and also the Refugee Facility Administration.