Small Grant Scheme
Open call will be launched under the Small Grant Scheme of the Home Affairs Programme in total amount of EUR 400,000.
The Small grant scheme aims to strengthen national bilateral cooperation and to combat hate crime, disinformation and hybrid threats. Call will focus on implementing immediate measures to promote media literacy among the public and to develop educational materials.
The allocation is EUR 400 000.
Publication date: 13. 4. - 1. 7. 2021.
SGS will support the increase of media literacy in the selected target group and the creation of educational materials that do not conflict with the current Framework Educational Programme of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the establishment of a regional network for education and training on media literacy. SGS will help to increase media literacy in the regions concerned, with educational activities going to other locations within the Czech Republic.
The grant will cover 90% of eligible expenditure. Project beneficiaries are required to co-finance 10% of the project from their own resources.
Eligible applicants are: non-governmental non-profit organizations, public and private non-commercial entities that have been established as legal entities in the Czech Republic.
Established bilateral partnership with a Norwegian partner was preferred in the assessment process of the grant application. One of the main objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants is to strengthen bilateral relations between the Czech Republic and donor states.
The following 4 project were approved within the SGS open call "Fostering media literacy of the general public":
VV-MGS-002 “Increasing Regional competencies in Media Literacy Education in the Czech Republic”
The aim of the project is to create the foundations of three networks of media literacy, and thus to strengthen the quality of media education in the regions. At the same time, the innovative methodology will be verified by mapping the needs of organizations and institutions working with youth through research, workshops and local projects with the direct involvement of youth and local organizations. All these activities will contribute to strengthening the resistance to misinformation among the young generation and the local public. -
VV-MGS-004 “OWIS - Media-educational Activation Program for Students and Educators with Intergenerational Overlap”
The project is aimed at strengthening and developing media literacy among young people, seniors and the general public, through media-educational activities, including the creation of educational material for spreading media education among target groups. -
VV-MGS-008 “Media literacy interactively and for all”
The aim of the project is to increase the level of media literacy among the target groups in the participating institutions by improving the quality of teaching media literacy with the use of didactically up-to-date and interactive tools. The fulfillment of this aim leads to the secondary aims of developing resilience against external, internal, individual and societal digital threats. The project will thus contribute to combating hybrid threats in the Czech Republic. -
VV-MGS-009 “Media education through libraries”
The main aim of the project is to increase the media literacy of target groups and thus strengthen their ability to defend against misinformation and media threats in public space, which are necessary for life and active participation in the democratic life of society in the context of current and future media threats.