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Employee Card

  • Employee Card: Basic Information
  • Submitting an Application for an Employee Card
  • Special Cases / Non-Dual Mode Employee Card
  • Course of the Proceedings on Application for an Employee Card
  • Unreliable employer
  • Extension of the Validity of an Employee Card
  • Change of Employer or Job or Taking up Employment in an Additional Job or with an Additional Employer
  • Visa for the Purpose of Collecting a Residence Permit - D/VR
  • Cancellation and cessation of an Employee Card
  • Options concerning the temporary assignment of a holder of an employee card by a job agency to a different employer (user) to perform work
  • Quotas for acceptance of applications for staff cards at embassies & Programmes approved by the government to achieve economic benefits for the country

Employee Card: Basic Information


Employee Card: Basic Information

Information about Employee card can be found on the Official Portal for Foreigners.  

Submitting an Application for an Employee Card


Submitting an Application for an Employee Card

Information about Submitting an Application for an Employee Card in the Territory of the Czech Republic can be found on the Official Portal for Foreigners on this link, information about Submitting an Application for an Employee Card outside the Territory of the Czech republic can be found on the Official Portal for Foreigners on this link.


Special Cases / Non-Dual Mode Employee Card


Special Cases / Non-Dual Mode Employee Card

Information about Free Acces to the Labour Market can be foundon the Official Portal for Foreigners on this link, Information about the Proof of Free Acces to the Labour Market can be found on this link.


Course of the Proceedings on Application for an Employee Card


Course of the Proceedings on Application for an Employee Card

Course pof the Proceedings on Aplication for an Employee Card can be found on the Official Portal for Freigners on this link and on this link, more Information about the Administrative Proceedings can be found on this link.


Unreliable employer


Unreliable employer

Information can be found on the Official Web Portal for Foreigners.


Extension of the Validity of an Employee Card


Extension of the Validity of an Employee Card

More Information about ean Extension of the Validity of an Employee card can be found on the Official Portal for Foreigners.


Change of Employer or Job or Taking up Employment in an Additional Job or with an Additional Employer


Change of Employer or Job or Taking up Employment in an Additional Job or with an Additional Employer

Information about Change of Employer or Job or Taking up Employment in an Additional Job or with an Additional Employer  can be found on the Official Portal for Foreigners.


Visa for the Purpose of Collecting a Residence Permit - D/VR


Visa for the Purpose of Collecting a Residence Permit - D/VR

Information about Visa for a Stay Longer than 90 Days for the Purpose of Collection of a Residence Permit (D/VR) can be found on the Official Portal for Foreigners.


Cancellation and cessation of an Employee Card


Cancellation and cessation of an Employee Card

Information can be found on the Official We Portal for Foreigners.

Options concerning the temporary assignment of a holder of an employee card by a job agency to a different employer (user) to perform work


Options concerning the temporary assignment of a holder of an employee card by a job agency to a different employer (user) to perform work

Act No. 206/2017 Coll., amending Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on Employment, as amended, and other related Acts, removed the prohibition of temporary assignment of holders of employee cards by a job agency to perform work for a user with effect as of July 29th, 2017.

Employee card can be issued or prolonged, if employer of foreign national is job agency which temporarily provides work of foreign national to user. But it is not possible that foreign national (employee card holder) changes the employer or works on next position at the other employer and this future employer is job agency. It does not matter, if it is employee allocated to work to user or if it is prime employee of job agency.

If foreign national works at the job agency, he/she can change job position (place of work, kind of work) or he/she can be employed to the next job position at the same job agency.

Attention should be also paid to the Government Regulation No 64/2009 Coll. setting out the occupations the job agency cannot temporarily assign, according to later regulations. In accordance with this § 64 of the Emloyment Act the Regulation provides that the job agency allowed to assign temporarily a foreign national only when the job requires full secondary education. This does not apply only in the case of occupations explicitly stated by the Regulation.

Employees of job agency, which are allocated to work to user, are obliged to submit extra document to their application. In this document there must be their name, surname, nationality, birthdate and birthplace, place of residence, kind of work, place of work at the user and name of the employer and employer´s registered office.

You can find form of this document here.


Quotas for acceptance of applications for staff cards at embassies & Programmes approved by the government to achieve economic benefits for the country


Quotas for acceptance of applications for staff cards at embassies & Programmes approved by the government to achieve economic benefits for the country

Information can be found on the Official We Portal for Foreigners.

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